Will you help us advance wealth justice?

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Frequently Asked Questions

What does wealth justice mean?

We aren’t a financial literacy organization. The phraseology financial literacy is rooted in financial shaming because it suggests that the socioeconomic harm we experience is our fault. We believe advancing wealth justice to create widespread social and economic change can only be done by addressing financial trauma and healing.

When were we founded?

Blackfem was founded in 2015, so we've been operating for around 7 years.

What is our ultimate goal?

Our goals are to maximize the wealth-building capabilities of the most purposely ignored groups (i.e Black women and women color), increase their material wealth, influence policy, and transform other local entities that transmit and perpetrate financial trauma.

Where do we operate?

We currently operate in 22 cities across the United States. The vast majority of them happen to be cities on the eastern seaboard and encompass some of our largest cities being NYC, D.C., Rochester, and Chicago. Currently, we have 38 cities on our waitlist.

Who do we work with?

The minimal unit we partner with are cities. Within the city we work with school district(s), cultural institutions, families, and policymakers.

What's the best way to get in touch?

The best way to get in touch is to fill out the form on our contact page.